
New card bulk listing feature (by MTG set)

March 6th, 2024   •   By Gio

bulk listing feature for mtg singles

We were seeing how some of you with large collections were struggling to list so many cards, having to do so one by one.

We’re hoping to make things a little easier for you with the new bulk listing feature.

In a nutshell, with this new functionality you can:

  • Select a particular set.

  • Go through the list of cards for that set, adding or editing details for the singles you want to list.

  • Bulk list all of them, in one go.

The option is available in your Inventory page, “Bulk add cards”.

This should save you a bunch of time, as you won’t have to type in the name of each individual card in the set.

Of course, this only works well if you sort your collection by set, and if you are selling many cards belonging to that set. Otherwise you’re still better off using the “normal” card listing form, which is super fast anyways!

This is just another small step toward making buying and selling mtg cards in the UK extremely simple and fun. Enjoy the new feature and please let us know any feedback!



Passionate about these magical pieces of card board. Got into Magic with 5th edition & Visions. Innovating at Mage.