
Dashboard notifications now available

January 6th, 2024   •   By Gio


We've just added a little new feature to the site: dashboard notifications.

Moving forward, apart from the email notifications, you'll also see prompts to complete some of your outstanding actions from your user dashboard page (that is, the main page you see once you log into Mage).

In particular, these are the notifications you'll be able to see from here, currently:

  • You've made a new sale (as a seller).

  • Your cards have been shipped, please mark the order as complete as soon as you receive them (as a buyer).

  • Please review your buyer or seller, once an order has been completed.

  • New message from your buyer or seller.

You can either act on the action or click on "omit" the notification, for it to go away.

We hope this feature makes your experience on the platform buying and selling mtg singles a little bit easier.

Any feedback? Drop us a line at [email protected], we'd be excited to talk to you.



Passionate about these magical pieces of card board. Got into Magic with 5th edition & Visions. Innovating at Mage.